Bi-Monthly eNews update
January 1, 2023: The January Model Portfolio report has now been posted
December 31, 2022The performance results for a very challenging year were lower than we hoped but were still above the benchmark S&P 500 by almost 5%.
The TS Model G...December 12, 2022: Annual Special on our market research
December 12, 2022The Once a Year savings is here! Until January 15, 2022, when you subscribe to our comprehensive Technical Speculator Newsletter, you get an extra TH...December 06, 2022: Recap of key market structure going into Q1
December 5, 2022The bull market is very mature. It has been advancing for 14 straight years. There are a number of signs that signal a change in major structure is...The December 2022 Newsletter has now been posted
December 1, 2022These three pages are the first of the 24 page December newsletterNovember 21, 2022: The Risk of a Recession presentation
November 21, 2022A slowing economy, inverted yield business and consumer confidence declines. These are just some of the issues that investors are facing now as the b...November 20, 2022: Economic challenges face the bull market
November 19, 2022One of the biggest challenges that face the continuation of the 14-year economic expansion is inflation. Years of near-zero interest rates, an accomm...November 1, 2022: The November TS Model Portfolio report has now been posted.
November 1, 2022Highlights in this month's report are the expected measure bounce in November and possibly December and then the outlook of weaker markets in Q1. The...The November Newsletter has now been posted
November 1, 2022This page is the first three pages of the 24-page November newsletter
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