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The May 2024 Newsletter has now been posted

These pages are the first three pages of the 26-page May 2024 Newsletter.

Topics in this month's research report are: Commodities: Upward trend continues.  International Equities: Short-term pullback developing.  U.S. & Canadian Equities: Retracement builds.  Breakouts!  Two new securities that just now breaking out of long-term consolidations.

The highlights are the continued connection between commodities and interest rates, the outlook on WTI in Q2, copper's big breakout.  Too far, too fast?, and the US dollar's trend in May.

International Equities shows the first support levels during this short-term pullback.  Emerging markets still see no love, the top performing world equity indexes in the last 90 days, and the best international indexes to buy now.

In the US market, fear is the mood, fundamental valuation for the S&P 500 is at a 35-year high.  More evidence that the Business Cycle is nearing a crest,  the TSX Venture Index soars the #1 90-day performance spot, thanks to rising commodities. how the movement in the $USD helps map the path of the SPX.  And the recent turning point between the Dow and the CRB, what that event meant in the past and what we can expect going forward.

To view the complete 26-page report, go to, login and follow to the links.
